Tanio skóry nie sprzedam

Belmondo, dzięki.

Naprawdę zdaję sobie sprawę, że są tam i kobiety, uwierzysz? :)

Pytałem, czy ktoś je tu wcześniej wklejał? Zanim powiedziałem co o tym myślę?Nie...

Nie róbcie zatem teraz "wklejek" mających przekonać innych ( a może tylko mnie ), że z pozostałych też się śmieją, bo wszystko co nagle pojawia się z pozdrowieniami dla mnie jest co najmniej śmieszne. Przecież cały Klan mi nawet teraz wrzucić możecie. Po co? Ja się wypowiedziałem w kwestii wklejanych raz po raz filmów z Maćkiem, a nie całego serialu, którym teraz chcecie mnie zarzucić.

Swoją drogą, ten Klan tego warty, by dalej mnie przekonywać, że cały jest tak zabawny? Jak widzę - kilka kultowych scen, nic poza tym. I jakoś najwidoczniej znacznie mniej zabawne niż Maciek, bo skórę od dawna śledzę i jakoś nie rzucały się wcześniej w oczy...

Nie ma sensu ciągnąć tematu. Gwarantuję, że z wiekiem spojrzycie inaczej. Dziwię się przede wszystkim tym, którzy są już rodzicami i widzą w tym coś nadzwyczaj zabawnego. Cóz, pozwalacie czasem poczuć się staro... ;))
http://cohones.mmarocks.pl/topic/sopa-i-acta-czyli-cenzurowanie-internetu-1/page/11 chodzilo mi o ten filmik, ale jednak obejrzalem oba i inny srodek maja, wiec "dzis Ci sie upieklo" :-) ;)
ty Kaczka naprawde jesteś pierdoniety, ciągnie sie temat o Maćku przez 5 stron a jak już chłopaki chcą skończyć to ty wklejasz następny pojebany film. I to już drugi raz taka sama sytuacja, temat ucichł a ty prowokujesz
Kaczka, to puść teraz swoim dzieciakom ten fragment i śmiejscie się razem z wkurwionego Maciusia przed monitorem. Dobre co? I jakie edukacyjne! Pogratulować, naprawdę...można pęknąć ze śmiechu. Z tego filmu, gdzie zapala malucha, który wklejałeś wcześniej, też - doprawdy.

Rozrywka najwyższych lotów dla 35 latka...ojca dwojga dzieci, głowy rodziny.

Już któryś raz, po mojej wypowiedzi zamykającej różny odbiór tych filmów, tej materii - wklejasz nowy, kolejny filmik z Maćkiem, bo taki już z Ciebie tani prowokatorek...Byle zaognić, podkurwiać dalej.

Zagadujesz w innych tematach, stukać się piwkami chcesz, pierdolisz jakies emotikonki i teksty o zgodach, a jak cię człowiek olewa dalej, to prowokacyjny próbujesz być. Byle jakaś reakcja. Taka już z ciebie chorągiewa człowieku i dla mnie jesteś tu już od dawna najbardziej wyrośniętym dzieciakiem z wszystkich użytkowników, w dodatku o zmiennych nastrojach i sympatiach. Tyle.

Wklej następny jakiś, niech uciechy nie będzie końca..Oleee!
a ja obawiam się, że Hubi nie jest najmłodszym uzytkownikiem tego forum :-)

Fajnie Polscy szczypiorniści są masochistami grając tak pełne zwrotów i emocji mecze, a kaczka dziwaczka chyba po prostu lubi to, że jedzie po nim cała grupa użytkowników.
ciekawe historie z mma

From: Golden Boy

Anyone that has done work at a minor league show will more than likley have one.There was a show I used to work for in New Mexico that has given me enough material to write a book. One that sticks out was the ref was asking each fighter if they were ready. One fighter said yeah and the other said no. He walked out of the cage and left.

Feel free to add yours and if this thread takes off I'll add more.


From: Golden Boy

There was this new company called Ultimate Pankration. They had alot of money and I got a call asking for a paticular fighter. This fighter was awfull and had at the time a record of 2-14. When asked why they wanted him they told me it was because he looked great and wanted him to fight a guy that breezed through him once before. This guy owed me some money so I called him and told him I got him a fight.

We get down there and he demands his show money after he weighed in. The next day he spends all of the money and hits me up to buy him dinner. We get to the event and he pulls me aside 10 minutes before his fight. He tells me Jesus is telling him not to fight and has a full blown panic attack. The promoter tells him he wants his money back. The fighter tells them that our room was robbed and the money was stolen. The promoter looks at me and I just shake my head.

Ultimate Pankration never ran another event.

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From: siouxNYC

-an underground show in manhattan, at a midtown martial arts school. it was put together at the last-minute, so there's only a handful of people watching and maybe five fights. there's no ring, everyone is just gathered around a mat - some standing, some in chairs. there's even a ufc veteran present, sitting with his girlfriend.

the competitors include: a pro fighter who competes in massachusetts and new jersey, a wrestler from long island, some dudes from a martial arts club in battery park city, and lamont tareyton williams.

lamont earned his invite because of a recent incident at the strip club in the bronx where he's a busboy. it seems some clowns started trouble, and when they beat up the bouncers, lamont went out and singlehandedly destroyed them. lamont isn't big, though. he's about 170, thin and wirey, and he's sporting a white karate gi with a big yin-yang patch on it. he's also got a glazed, faraway look in his eyes.

lamont steps onto the mat and squares up against his opponent (one of the battery park city guys - an older white dude). the ref says "go!" and lamont comes out and lands a lightning-like cross. his opponent stumbles, and you know with just one follow-up punch he's finished. but lamont doesn't follow-up. instead, he starts apologizing. profusely. "I'm sorry, my brother. I'm sorry." the battery park city guy recovers, and lamont refuses to continue fighting. that's it, he's done, he's realized he doesn't want to hurt anyone. everyone - including the battery park city guy - tries to comfort lamont, tell him it's okay, that it was just a fight. poor lamont is on the verge of tears.

lamont spends the rest of the show sitting in a plastic chair, staring at the floor and looking like he just murdered his pet cat.

two weeks later some lunatic goes berserk in a subway station, grabs two powersaws from a nearby workstation, and carves up an innocent bystander before fleeing into the night. the news reports on it, reports on the citywide manhunt, and after a couple days, reports on his arrest. i'm at the movies on long island with my wife when peter storm, the underground promoter, calls me and tells me that the "subway saw guy" (as the Daily News called him) was lamont.
lamont pleads guilty and gets 17 years in prison. at his sentencing, he apologizes to his victim (who survived), and his victim forgives him.


From: Golden Boy

I got an offer to become a matchmaker/partner in New Mexico. I told the guy I'd drive down to his event and see what he had before I gave him an answer. I called my ref (Felix) and went down to check it out.

We get there and I get handed a sheet of paper with fighters names on it. I was asked to make the matches. I hadn't agreed to the job and wasn't at weigh in the day before so I decline. I was then told there were no weigh ins and to just put something together. I call all the fighters over and we get to work.

The main event was a drunk biker chick and a female pro boxer from that area. I tell Felix to keep a close eye on all the fighters but mostly to the drunk biker broad. Most of the fights ended in the first round and Felix did a hell of a job making sure no one got hurt.
Main event time. The boxer enters the cage and I can tell this is going to be nasty. The drunk broad and her biker buddies make their way down to the cage and I hide my beer.
The match starts and the boxer threw a big overhand that nearly missed. Old drunk broad had a quick reality check. Right then and there she realised she wasn't as tough as she thought. She gets cracked and goes down. Thinking Felix was going to stop the fight a crack a fresh beer. I took a swig and then spit it out when I see him administer a standing 8 count.

"God Dammit Felix this isn't boxing" I yelled. He acted like he didn't hear me and kept counting. The drunk broad got back up out of instinct and then started geting beat on again. "Stop the fight" I screamed like Appolo Creed's wife in Rockey IV. To no avail she gets dropped again and Felix starts another standing 8. I look over to her corner and all the biker guys are like deer in headlights. I walk over...grab a towel and throw it at Felix. Just as the towel hit the canvas so did the drunk broad.

Not sure why but I ended up taking the gig...



I was cornering Rafiel Torre with Mark Kerr and Rico Rodriguez in KOTC 9. I had heard some guys claiming Rafiel had paid Big Joe to take a dive in their upcoming fight. More interestingly, they said he had paid him 1,000. Well, the figtht kicks off and it was some of the worst martial arts displays I have ever seen and Joe falls into a fake knee bar...It was extremely weird because Rafiel had been calling a win by knee bar for a few weeks and when Rafiel got paid Terry Trebilcock gave him 2500. Rafiel told me if his wife asked to say he just got 1500 because he had some bills to pay...I asked Big Joe about this a few months later and he told me the same story.


From: timmyfront

At an Ironheart Crown event (not sure which one but Shonie vs Jay Buck was the main event)I got a bunch of guys together to buy a ringside table.

My brother was with us and he hates it when people sit in his seats whether it be a baseball game, concert, etc.

Sure enough some dude is chilling at our table reading one of the free copies of Ultimate Athlete meant for us. My brother (5'6, not in shape)starts to get pissed. He storms up to the guy and says "Hey buddy! This is our table. You gotta leave!" in a real jerk-like fashion.

The guy gets up real casual, apologizes and walks away.

Folks were dumbfounded. My brother just told Jeremy Horn to leave.

Afterwards,I showed him that UA magazine and opened it to a pic of Horn winning in Pride. My brother promptly went over to Horn, apologized and got his autograph.


From: Brian McLaughlin

One of my guys fought at an underground show in upstate New York. When we get there we find out its an outdoor event and it promptly starts raining, HARD. Fortunately someone uses some close pins and a makeshift tarp to keep the ring mostly dry. At one point my crew and I are told we have to move out of our seats (which were poorly manufactured picnic tables) because they were reserved for the Hell's Angels - turns out we were fighting in the middle of a biker rally.

The fighter warmup areas were just huge mud puddles and right before my guy went out I had to run out and stop the cops from towing my car. My fighter goes out and quickly hits a Kimura, the ref pulls him off and then tries to restart the fight. After about 5 minutes of arguing they finally get the guy to admit he tapped and victory is ours.

The proceeds of the event were going to help someone battling cancer. Unfortunately someone broke into the promoter's car and stole all the money.


From: jkkazmier

I went to FL to ref NAGA. Kipp rented a big van so all the NAGA staff could get to and from the venue. The day of the event, Christian Soldier took a shit out the van's windown and he had diareha. The whole side of the van was covered in poop. He wiped his but with dunkin donut napkins. Funny part about him wiping, was we were stopped at a toll and the driver was paying the toll booth lady while randy had his ass sticking out the window. He was smiling at her and she was just like wtf is going on here.

Everyone in the back of the van was on the verge of puking.


From: siouxNYC

an underground mma show in brooklyn - the worst possible neighborhood in brooklyn in a ghetto-tastic boxing gym. two kids, probably 18 years old, enter the ring. they're training partners, so kid #1 gets to be cornered by their coach while kid #2 gets to be cornered by some overweight spanish dude in an orange shirt.

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the fight begins and kid #1 kicks low, rechambers, and kicks high. kid #2 is instantly knocked out, and he falls through the ropes, involuntarily somersaults off the ring apron, bangs his head on the judges' table and lands on the concrete floor. he literally looks dead.

the overweight spanish dude in the orange shirt is frozen in complete an utter shock, his hands pressed to the sides of his head.

eventually, the judges revive the kid and he's like, "oh i'm fine. let's do it again."

later on i'm on the subway and the overweight spanish dude is there. he's laughing. i ask him what's so funny. turns out he's only ever seen an MMA fight once - on TV - and the kid who was KO'd was a friend of his daughter's. that was the only reason he was cornering the kid. and he was laughing because when the KO happened, he thought for sure that he was going to have to go home and tell his daughter that her friend had been killed in an underground fight.


From: Golden Boy

I had delt with the Texas State Boxing Commish before New Mexico. I hated every dealing with them but after New Mexico I would never work again with out one. The New Mexico Commish didn't care and never came to any of the events I promoted. I tried to keep it as close to regulation as I could and I always used my own ref.

One of my friends decided to promote his own show and asked me to drive down and judge it. Everything was great exept for one match. They had a golden glove boxer on the card and it was a "special rules" match. Both fighter wore their MMA gloves but the rules were simple. They were boxing rules. I almost got sick watching that fight. The MMA guy was tough and had a iron chin. Unfortuantly his teeth....well were just regular teeth.

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From: Golden Boy Send

I'm sitting in a bathtub in Tokyo Japan drinking a beer. In about 2 hours I'm making my MMA debut....

I was originally going to assist a guy in matchmaking this event. However, the Japanese wanted someone to make one of their guys look good. I had never had to ask a fighter to make someone "look good" and was having trouble even thinking with an approach to ask. One of the guys that I booked for the card asked me why don't I do it? I replied, "Well I suck and would get my ass kicked". He stared at me like I was retarded and said, "isn't that the point."

I'm standing across from this guy that looks about 18. The Japanese and their need to exaggerate to announce this kid at 16 years old. I'm thinking to myself I need to make sure this footage never see's US soil. The "fight" was quick and soon after I'm on a bus with a case of beer.

I don't remember much of the after fight party. One of the promoters was a famous Japanese pro wrestler (who held the WWF tag team title at some point) and he invited me to go eat with him. I take one of the fighters with me to make sure I don't end up dead or in jail. We had a saki bomb contest which regrettably I'm sure I won. Right before I blacked out I told the fighter to make sure I get to my room alright.

I wake up with a few Japanese guys standing over me. "What are you guys doing in my room?" They start laughing and in broken English reply, "this not your room." I sat up still in all my clothes and sure enough....this wasn't my room. Apparently the fighter who was to baby sit me got off on the floor before mine. I had passed out in the hotel elevator.

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I heard some more stories about that night but I'm not sure if I believe any of them...


From: chadk

I corner a east coast fighter, who we'll call "Mitch Boskovitz" for the sake of the story. Anyway, Mitch flies into Denver on a week or two notice to fight some up and comer in a full division heavier than he normally fights. Some guy named Anthony Johnson. Who's ever heard of him before or since right?

So anyway, Mitch loses a decision and is a bit marked up but ready to party. Someone decides the Grizzly Rose would be a good place to party. Mitch and friends are all kinds of drunk but having fun. Words with a foolish bouncer are exchanged. Apparently, bouncer only sees his bruises and smaller size but fails to notice his ears or lack of neck. Bouncer gets taught hard lesson. More bouncers come. More bouncers learn table full of drunken former collegiate wrestlers is wrong table to fuck with. Cops arrive and use cop tools and vastly superior numbers to forcefully subdue Mitch.

Mitch is taken to detox due to his intoxicated state. Somehow, he manages to slip out of detox unnoticed, despite being bruised and bloodied. Not only is he a bloody, lumped up mess physically but in his big bar brawl, he's lost his wallet, his phone and his fight purse. Once in the streets he convinces a local cabbie that he was mugged and the cabbie takes pity on him and drives him to the airport. He then tells the airline people this same bullshit story and they outfit him with clothes from the lost and found and allow him to fly back to Boston, where he finally informed us where he was and what had happened.

I corner former NCAA Champion, Matt Lackey, in his MMA debut. Thing is, he's told the promoter that he's fought before (I'm thinking he claimed to be 10 - 0) so he can fight for this promotion's belt.

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If you know Matt, he's like no other high level collegiate wrestler you've ever met. Most of them are ultra intense and competitive, not Matt. Great guy but a goofball of Biblical magnitude, not overly intense, prone to fucking off during training as much as he actually trains lol.

So he's recently watched Spiderman or something because he insists on being introduced as Matt "Bonesaw" Lackey lol. Matt is an amazing wrestler but he had all of a month of boxing training leading up to the fight.

He gets in the cage against this tough kid who had several fights under his belt and Matt gets a little too comfortable. Head high, hands down, leaning away from punches... basically everything we stressed NOT to do in his fight. Of course he gets clocked and hard. Right hand sends him staggering back several feet. As his opponent rushes in for the kill, Matt literally turns around and full out runs.... he ran at least a lap and a half, with his opponenst in hot pursuit. I had enough time to turn to Sheldon Marr and say: "Wtf is he doing???"

Suddenly he kinda bounces off the cage, spins and double legs his opponent. Within about 30 seconds he's got the submission locked in and wins his bout. He tells me as I'm icing his almost closed eye that he didn't remember anything until he ran into the cage and turned around for the takedown.

This got pretty weird.


From: siouxNYC

-at an underground show in queens, a wing chun guy (who's gotten a bit of notoriety on this board) makes his debut against a wrestler. he blasts the wrestler repeatedly in the face, sending the kid's mouthpiece flying into the audience and closing the kid's eyes. but the kid ends up with the takedown, and after a few minutes on the ground the wrestler wins (i forgot the sub). afterwards, the wing chun guy goes in the back changing area and barfs all over the place. and he barfs. and he barfs. in a panic, someone calls an ambulance, but no one knows this, so when an ambulance shows up everyone up front - where the show is still going on - is like "WTF?"

-another underground show in queens. the main event features two guys from a pair of schools that are big and well-represented and ghetto (one was a karate school from harlem, the other was some traditional spot up in the bronx). anyway, at underground shows you can sit in the chairs or you can crowd around the ring apron, and representatives from the two schools are crowded around adjacent sides of the ring (so that the dudes at one corner are actually just a couple feet from each other).

during the fight, the trash talk outside the ring gets heated and threats are exchanged. it gets so bad (and verges on violence) that the promoter climbs into the ring and halts the action, and says that if they don't chill the fuck out the show is over. tensions are still high, so the two fighters in the ring turn to their boys and say, "look, it's all good, it's just a fight," and they shake each other's hands and hug each other. "it's all good." at that everyone calms down, and the fight resumes.

-a show in brooklyn, and there are about 7 fights scheduled (really, just matchups written on an index card). the first fight sees a personal trainer from the david barton gym beat on some kid who trains at hunter college for two rounds, but in the last round the kid reverses from the bottom and drops headbutts like they're going out of style. he wins by TKO, and the trainer from david barton is on his hands and knees, blood gushing from his forehead. the next pair of fighters are called to the ring, and one of them climbs in and waits in his corner. and waits. finally, the doorman comes over and tells us that the other guy saw the first fight, said "fuck this" and left.

another interesting thing about that specific show was that an ER doctor and his nurse somehow found out about it and came with their stuff (needles, thread, latex gloves, antiseptic, etc.). for the entire event they sat ringside and stitched up every fighter that needed it (about 5 or so did). why? they wanted the practice. at one point i turned to the promoter and asked how he got them there. he shrugged and said, "beats me. they just showed up."


From: eiuwrestler174

Brad Kohler (UFC Vet) and promoter of Ultimate Minnesota, faked a heart attack and left an event early. Needless to say, many went unpaid.


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From: siouxNYC

i was at a brad kohler show in minnesota and a huge, muscle-bound dude entered the ring to take on an slightly-overweight schlubby-looking dude. everyone thought it was a mismatch to end all mismatches, and some even voiced that opinion at the top of their lungs, but when the muscle dude charged in the schlub simply guillotined him and that was that. everyone was stunned, and they cheered at the unlikely victory.

the huge muscle dude goes backstage, pretty bummed, and blames his loss on the big rail of coke he snorted before heading to the ring to fight.


From: PunchDrunkDoc

Working a "Rocky Mountain Bad Boyz" show in Denver - fighters in the cage. Ref turns to first fighter "You ready to fight?" - nod yes. Turns to the second fighter "You ready to fight?" ....PASSSES OUT!

Fight goes down officially as a TKO at 0:00 in round 1


From: sssfRyan

Up here in MA there was a fighter who literally fled out of the bathroom window 20 mins before his fight with his family and friends still in the stands.


From: ranier wolfcastle

kotc gave some 220 pound biker a fight, the guy just "knew" he'd beat anyone he faced. he put up $5k of his own money, kotc gave him double his $ if he wins. his opponent was a 120 pound wrestler who took him down and choked him out in around 2 minutes. backstage the biker who just lost the fight and his own $5k was trying to convince himself and anyone who would listen "that was so much fuckin fun".

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From: Golden Boy

LOL. I forgot at about all the KOTC stories. One that sticks out...

Del Hawkins opponent no showed. They found a homeless kid at a local bowling alley and paid him a few hundred to take the fight. Del could have just taken the guy down and tapped him. Instead he showboats and beats the shit out of the kid ending it with a headkick KO. What was more pathetic he celebrated like he had just won a world tile.


From: siouxNYC

-an underground show in a boxing gym in upper manhattan (like, way up there). the venue is actually gym in a basement, but it's not the worst place these events have landed in by any means. there's a ring, there's rows of folding chairs, and there's two back rooms serving as locker rooms.

the promoter, peter storm, puts together the match-ups based on who's contacted him asking for a fight and who's actually showed up, so we get to see the aforementioned wing chun guy wreck some seriously overmatched chubby dude, we get to see a couple boxing matches (the venue owner insisted on those so a few of his students could get some ringtime), we get to see storm take on a streetfighter, and we get to see a skilled nj amateur fighter (now pro) KO a wrestler with a high-kick in spectacular fashion.

however, at the beginning of the night someone calls saying they're on their way and they need an opponent, so storm finds one of his lackeys - a guy named "iron will" who's filled in as a replacement fighter before - and tells him to get ready. iron will goes into the back, changes into his fighting clothes (just gi pants i think), and begins warming up.

iron will is a funny dude. a little "off", but nice enough. he's claimed his style is "teapot kung fu", and when he fights he throws out techniques with reckless abandon, but he always gets creamed. once a boxer from gleason's gym rape choked him, and another time he got demolished by some nobody. but he's game, so that's something, right?

anyway, the entire show goes off without a hitch, culminating in the nj amateur fighter's crowd-pleasing win over the wrestler, and afterwards is when everyone slowly files out or shoots the shit with the fighters or whatever. eventually everybody leaves, and storm goes around turning off the lights before leaving himself.

and that's when he discovers iron will still in the back, shadowboxing, warming up for a fighter that ultimately never showed up. apparently, despite everyone leaving and the place getting completely silent, iron will never caught on that his fight was off.


From: chadk

Underground boxing shows in Denver. My friend, and former Iowa wrestler, Eric Koble is entertaining the idea of fighting mma and fights in this smoker. He beats his opponent handily and we're drinking, watching fights, hawking chicks, the usual. Well some drunken redneck shows up from god knows where and is talking big shit: "All these guys are pussies, I'm from Oklahoma and I've never lost a fight! I would crush any of these fags. Blah, blah, blah..." Koble is ready to crush this clown "I fucking hate Oklahoma!" So I call the Okie out: "Instead of talking all that shit, get in there and prove it." He takes me up and we approach the promoter. "Are you drunk?" Okie yells: "Hell yeah, I'm fucked up!" Promoter repeats: "Are... you... drunk?" While shaking his head no lol. Okie catches on, signs waiver, gets thrown in with one of promoter's ringers, enters the ring wearing Wrangler jeans, and gets KO'd promptly. Those shows ruled. You'd have chicks who each had kids by the same dude going to war in the ring over him, men and women wearing electronic ankle monitors fighting college students, etc..


From: timmyfront

Just after Tim Sylvia won the title, he came out to a Shooto Americas event just outside of Chicago. Some drunk ass hick was asking him about the belt. When Tim told him it was from the UFC the guy said, "Well I never heard of that but I bet those guys in the ring could kick your ass."


From: XFC

Vernon white relaxing backstage in Japan in what he thought was a hot tub. Ended up being a bath where the sumo's wash their asses after a dump :)


From: Krs10KO.com

Mine may not be weird to All of u but was definitely weird for me.
I was covering a fight and I would jump in the cage after the championship fights and take pics of winners getting their belt. No biggie, next night at another fight a guy comes up to me, "you're that chick from last night!!" Apparently this guy was a photographer from a well known MMA forum (rhymes w Ferdog) and was taking pics of me all nite while I was taking pics of the fighters. He sent me them. There are even some of me outside the cage just hanging out, chatting and shooting the shit. Weird.

he said if he didn't see me again the next nite he was going to post said pics on that site, FB and other MMA sites, asking "does anyone know this woman??"
Creepy McGee.


From: punisherpop

i was at the cwfc 9 event at the octagon centre in sheffield england. my friend who at the time was a mma novice went to the toilet. when he came back he looked a little angry as usual, i asked what the problem was and he said some big bald headed guy bumped into him in the toilets and didnt appologise to him. he said if there wasnt any one else in there he would haved put the guy in his place. a little later on the main event starts and my friend points out that the guy walking to the cage is the guy from the toilets. i had to do some explaining to him about how lucky he really was. the main event was monson vs tedoradze and i dont think my friend would have put monon 'in his place'.


From: Magnus

A former top level MMA athlete from Canada had a contract with a smallish promotion in Indiana - this is waaay back in the day - to fight some guy with a smallish record. As his manager we agreed to the fight for the exposure/experience and with an eye towards perhaps helping this promotion get on its feet in terms of publicity etc.
s we enter the arena, the manager of our opponent along with the promoter walk up to me, introduce themselves and ask, "Is that ________?" They were referring to the athlete. I said it was. The manager asked, "The actual ________?" I said that it was indeed the ACTUAL ________. The manager them referred to my athlete by his nickname, a tolerably well known handle in MMA circles back then. When I confirmed that this was his nickname, the manager said, "Well, my guy is NOT fighting him. No way!!" and walked away.

Long night. It all got sorted, kinda, after a bit of persuasion, a brief explanation of what it means to have a contract, an account of the distance we had traveled, and time spent etc. The promoter found another opponent which was a nightmare finding out if this guy was an actual athlete, fit to fight etc. Needless to say, my athlete was not pleased but, if I recall, 32 seconds of the first rounded saw the end of this mismatch with this new opponent tapping on anything that, including the air, would make it clear he had had enough.

Good old - actual stupid and dangerous - days before the Commission in that area - I trust that has all changed in Indiana? - was careful.
Przemek odebrałeś mi czas, który powinienem poświęcić na naukę!! ... ale dobre opowiadania, bez kitu. :D Człowiek Spiderman wygrał. :D
Nasunęło mi się pewne skojarzenie na widok podnieconej żaby z Okocimiem w ręku...Ale, że nie jestem złośliwy - będę cicho ;)
To coś złego jak ktoś ma 16 lat i się udziela :D?

W sumie to tak , bo patrząc , że jestem 2 lata na tym forum , to co ja pisałem na początku jak tu byłem... Jak ktoś trafi na moje posty sprzed 2 lat , to nie byłem ja :D! W sumie sprzed roku też nie .
zoom, wszyściutko. Jeśli masz kupę nauki to wszystko wydaje się być lepszym pomysłem od uczenia się, nawet sprzątanie kibla. ;<
szczerze to ja wątpie, że nasz Kaczy ma te ponad 30 lat :)

Kto widział 30 + żeby siedział cały dzień przed kompem i tylko napieprzał jakieś gify i inne głupoty nie wspominając już o niektórych historiach pisanych:-)