Tanio skóry nie sprzedam


nie przychodzi mi do głowy rzadne inteligentne zastosowanie tego przyrządu, ale za to kilka głupich :-)
Coraz bliżej Euro, coraz więcej oszustów


Jak to możliwe, że ten Kula tak długo się utrzymuje?

Meru, nie doszłoby do tego, gdyby Hanka żyła.
Przemek to jest jakaś tv krynica... gówno nie telewizja.. :D Nie ma co się przejmować debilami...
Hubi, już nie bądź taki wrażliwy. :p Nic nie ma tam pokazane... już ja nie będę podawał stron, gdzie są serwowane przesady w liczbach ogromnych. :D
Griffin and Ortiz appeared on HDNet's "Inside MMA" and made the case, or started it.

Szczery Forrest :D

Tito Ortiz:
"Forrest, you know I deserve it, man. Step up. Let's do this. It's an awesome fight for you. I lost my last one. You lost your last one. Let's do this -- unless your scared!"

Forrest Griffin:
"He knows better than that. You know what's funny about me and Tito? The truth is we each consider the other an easy fight. For me, that's the perfect 'get right' fight. Coming back from a bad loss and beating Tito Ortiz up? No problem. For Tito, he's thinking, 'Forrest ain't that good. He's getting old, prematurely. This is a great way to go out, with a win over Forrest!' So, I think it's a beautiful match up because we both think of the other as an easy fight."

"Wanna know how fights get done now? If enough people get on Twitter, it'll happen. If enough people get on Twitter and tell 'em that's what they want, that's what's gonna happen. It has to be done."


Bib Dylan sang "You don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows." You don't need to be a matchmaker to know this fight is a win for everyone.

If you want to see this fight, tweet.
nie przeszkadza mi to, że wyśmiewają głupote ale ten tekst z mózgiem Gosiewskiego jest żenujący