Newsy MMA Userów

Sylwia Juśkiewicz w turnieju WGP Rizin!

McSweeney nawet emerytowany jak na KSW spoko, ale boje się, że wpierdoli Pudzianowi i Różal ucieknie przed sądnym rewanżem.

oby był zdrowy, tam jest jakaś komisja medyczna dopuszczająca do walki ?Po jego ostatniej przegranej opis przypadłości jakie go nękają nie brzmiał dobrze :

So its monday after my fight saturday night, my vision in my left eye has come back slightly to about 30% and the brightness of the light in my eye is fading away which is good news from what the eye hospital has informed me!
This is a post that to be honest i have had sleepiness nights thinking about posting, but i knew one day would come for me as it eventually comes to all fighters.
I having been suffering from Seizures for the past 12 months,
i would have a very strange deja vu feeling and a very sick feeling in my stomach , then a small shaking in my left arm and a hot sweat like i was going to pass out, i lived and competed and fought in the cage even thou i had this and did not tell anyone, back in march when i fought was a first for me i had a mini Seizure while i was fighting, it made me freeze and i did everything i could to breath and regain control but it was to late my opponent was good and felt me let off the pressure and turned me and unloaded with strikes and the ref stopped the fight.
This was incredibly hard to live with i finally told my wife about my seizures and she convinced me to go to seek medical attention, after multiple trips to doctors, Neurologists, scans and blood tests i was diagnosed with EPILEPSY , and i have been taking medication thankfully since taking the medication i have not had one seizure.
I took this last fight i guess to prove to myself that i was healthy enough and hungry enough to still fight.
I trained hard for this fight camp, and i had small injures but nothing more than another fighter preparing to fight, during the fight to lose vision in my left eye completely was a freighting feeling, I've had my eyes close from punches and cuts before and still continued to fight, but i knew this was different, this was not from a swelling or cut to my eye, this was a internal problem from my brain to my eye.
Since this has happened saturday and since my seizures has started i have been going back and forth with this feeling, but what really confirmed for me is the realism of how this would effect my wife and daughter, do i lose the vision and never see my wife and daughter again visually, do i push my brain to far and lose other senses and maybe not be able to walk or speak at my daughters future wedding, but i spoke to a very good doctor in melbourne a few days before my fight and discussed my medical condition and he said something that was total sense to me, he said james maybe u can go on and continue fighting and maybe u will be ok, but what if your not and u seizure during or after one of ur fights live on television right there for everyone to see, do could you imagine how that would effect the audience and affect the sport.
I LOVE THIS SPORT, i love thaiboxing, boxing, jui-jitstu, wrestling, fighting, i have been training since 5 years old , fighting since i was 12 years old, professional for over 20 years, this sport has allowed me to travel the world over and over again, fight and be recognized
in Countries that were so far way it shocked me, it gave me opportunities to meet celebrities do amazing things i would never want to do anything to damage this beautiful sport we all love in anyway.
I want to thank so many people , my coaches over the years, my training partners, fight organization's , fans, my family and friends for always being there for me.
I will always be around this sport i am going to put my effort, time and knowledge in to my gyms and my fighters, i will do everything i can to help them achieve there goals and reach there dreams in this beautiful sport and in life.
I gave this sport my all, i achieved a lot and fought on the highest platforms in the world, i walk away proud and with my head held high, thank you all once again you will all see me soon but now in the corner of one of my athletes.
Thank you all this was a crazy roller coaster of a journey, i hope you all enjoyed it?
Czyżby Marian? Ten Salim też mnie zastanawia, czy ta jego kontuzja to przypadek nie wałek i papiery z UFC już ma gotowe. Kotwica ew Oleksiejczuk nikogo innego nie typuje na gwiazdę hot ploty
Hunto ciśnie Werduma. Moje tłumaczenie:

"Werdum ty kurwo pierdolona myślałem, że nie jesteś gotowy na walkę. Jesteś zwykłym osranym kurczakiem i jebanym żulem. Nienawidzę dwóch rzeczy u fajterów. Koksiarzy i zasranych tchórzliwych klaunów."
