Oplot Challenge Welterweight
Właśnie natknąłem się na ciekawy wpis na facebookowej stronie "The Dolce Diet" Mike'a Dolce. Dolce jest zawodnikiem mma, który jak na razie większe sukcesy odniósł jako trener siłowy i kondycyjny, niż profesjonalny fighter. Współpracował wcześniej między innymi z Rampage'em i Thiago Alvesem... Wygląda na to, że Pudzian również zdecydował się skorzystać z jego usług... Dziwie się, że żaden portal jeszcze nie podchwycił newsa ;) Ciekaw jestem bardzo efektów i liczę na poprawę cardio...
Tekst wpisu (pisownia oryginalna):
• 'HUGE' NEWS! It is with great pride that we report the newest addition to The Dolce Diet's stable of world-class athletes. Mike Dolce has been brought in by 5-time 'World's Strongest Man' and newly turned professional mixed martial artist, Mariusz Pudzianowski, to oversee his strength, conditioning, nutrition and performance preparation as he gets ready for a November 24th rematch against James Thompson in Poland. In their first fight this year, Mariusz dominated Thompson until his conditioning failed him and he was defeated by a more experienced fighter. By bringing in Dolce, who is known for designing the world-class conditioning programs of athletes like Quinton Rampage Jackson and Thiago Pitbull Alves, the former 'World's Strongest Man' just may be come the 'World's Most Conditioned Heavyweight!'
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Tekst drugiego wpisu:
Great day training 6-time World's Strongest Man, Mariusz Pudzianowski. It is amazing how fast his body learns and adapts to the training effect. I truly believe he is on his way to making a big impact in the sport of mma. Our team understands the he has more work to do...but you can not underestimate an athlete that is always the first guy at the gym and the last to leave.